Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Wind Beneath Our Wings

According to the Ruby-throated Hummingbird migration map, hummingbirds have been spotted along the New England coastline since the first week of April. It’s no surprise: The weather is warming and spring is unfolding before our eyes. The calendar tells us to “think spring” and the birds know when to start breeding, too! If you’ve done some planning in February and March, you’ll soon be rewarded with birds filling up your yard with color and interesting sounds.

Welcome, Travelers!

Bird migration varies by species. Many of us have surely pinned our noses to window panes to catch (and celebrate) a glimpse of spring’s first red robin in the yard. The timing is just about right for flowers, shrubs and bulbs opening in the landscape to provide some food along their journey. For homeowners who’ve placed bird houses around their yards, they’ll likely see activity in them by now.

Birds are resourceful, using a range of materials to construct their nests. Some popular nesting materials include cloth, paper and branches to dryer lint or insulation. Consumers can help provide nesting materials simply by stringing such items onto a fence line, tree or pole. Another way to help: Place materials inside a suet cage and hang away from windows and glass to prevent injury to birds that might mistake glass for open spaces.

Preparing a Banquet

Birds need food, water and protection to live comfortably in any environment. Remind your customers to clean their existing birdfeeders, especially if they haven’t done so during the winter. Bird baths also should be cleaned and rinsed thoroughly before a refill.

Here are two popular and effective cleaning solutions you can share with your customers:

  • Combine 1 part chlorine bleach with 10 parts water, and immerse your feeder into the solution for 2-5 minutes
  • Mix up a 50/50 solution of water and white vinegar, and soak your feeder completely for 2-5 minutes

After soaking, scour or brush the feeder and then let it dry completely before re-filling. Today’s best feeder companies, like Aspects, offer a quick-clean release on the bottom of the feeder to assist in cleaning chores.

Come and Get It

Different types of bird seed work best in different scenarios. Lead each customer to their best bird-seed match with a few simple questions:

  •         Which types of birds are you trying to attract?
  •         Do you need more than one feeder?
  •         How big is your wallet?

Some bird species thrive on specific types of foods. Songbirds and finches, especially goldfinch, enjoy both sunflower and Nyjer seeds best.

Placement of the feeder is also an important key on getting even the most timid of birds to explore dinner options. Many birds feed at different levels and consumers may have some success (and rewards) by positioning more than one feeder in their yards to maximize the fun.

Some bird watchers use combo feeders throughout the year to offer both bird seed in a feeder hopper and suet in a cage on either one or two ends. Recommend an all-season type of suet like suet dough cakes from Pine Tree Farms to keep the suet fresh and ready for consumption.

Vacationing Visitors

As mentioned, hummingbirds return from their winter migration and are looking for nectar-bearing flowers. These beauties dart quickly across the property, but offer a freeze frame of enjoyment when they feed by flapping their wings furiously as they hover.

Some hummingbird species are territorial. To maximize feeding and bird-watching opportunities, but minimize conflict, encourage your customers to put out multiple hummingbird feeders, positioning them on opposite sides of the residence.

One of the unique birds you may want to attract is the bluebird. They love open fields and platform feeders, and to feast on dried mealworms. You can enhance their stay by erecting bluebird houses nearby.

What’s Bugging You?

The purple martin is one of nature’s winged warriors that provide insect control throughout the summer months. These birds love to colonize together in harmony while living in multi-dwelling martin houses that are mounted on posts or poles at least 10 feet off of the ground. Each martin house includes 8-12 (or more!) compartments, in which the residence can breed and expand their families. They’re fun to watch, and can provide amusing torture for resident cats that are within eyesight of their nest.

Make It a Garden Party

Plenty of additional winged guests can add interest and enjoyment to the home and garden. Butterfly houses and butterfly feeders, staked garden fairies, whirly-gigs of birds and colorful insects, even weathervanes can provide movement in or around the garden.

Wind-driven motion is a surefire way to attract eye-catching attention and provide entertainment all season long for both young and old. Consider offering an assortment of wind chimes for those looking to bring some color and sounds to their backyards, too. Just add wind and enjoy!

This Month's Featured Products

Classic Brands Liquid Nectar 64 oz. RTU
No 81210037

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Classic Brands Red Vintage Hummingbird Feeder
No 81210029

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Classic Brands Clear Liquid Nectar 64 oz. RTU
No 81210040

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Aspects Jewel Box Window Hummingbird Feeder
No 80480003

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Bloem Promo Bird Bath White
No 80920788

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Exhart 24 piece Windy Wing Butterflies Shelf Display
No 80870052

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Exhart 24 piece Windy Wings Hummingbird Shelf Display
No 80870939

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Echo Valley Fairy Figurine 6 piece Set Assortment
No 80760144

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