No matter where you live, there are times when folks apply chemicals to their lawn or garden and the results are not what they would hope to expect. Relax, it is more common than you think. Many consumers read the label incorrectly, and some don’t read them at all. Consumers make bad choices that are convenient, even by picking the wrong time to treat. With summer weather’s uncertainty, solutions might be applied just prior to unexpected rainfall which reduce or eliminate optimum results. Here are some examples of alternatives for those customers that might need a second chance at success.
Herbicide Happy
Traditionally, most of the volume of sales on weed and grass killers is sold during the summer months and into early fall. While clover killer sales are still ringing the register, these products are sold because clover in the lawn ramps up when available nitrogen is lacking. The grassy weeds like crabgrass are gaining strength and crowding out good stands of grass if left unchecked. Most of these customers either missed their application of crabgrass pre-emergent, under applied the chemical, or have received excessive amounts of rainfall to weaken effectiveness. Newer chemistry (with active Quinclorac) has allowed consumers to use a crabgrass killer through a hose end sprayer making it more convenient for spot treating lawns versus treating every nook and cranny. Nutgrass is common during the summer as it grows faster than lawn grasses. It is a slender lighter color green with multiple leaves on the stem. A specific chemical works to kill this nuisance weed found in Bonide’s SedgeEnder product (Sulfentrazone). This selective weed killer may need a second application on recurring nutgrass during the next month. Monterey has a Nutgrass Killer II product containing Halosulfuran, which is another great alternative.
Poison Ivy Killer Isn’t Working?
One of the more interesting discussions in the chemical aisle revolve around poison ivy killers. Some chemicals like RoundUp, KleenUp, and glyphosate-based herbicides list on the label that they treat poison ivy. I would normally concur depending on the early stages of growth. Poison ivy explodes in summer and if left untreated can be very hard to eradicate in successive years. One chemical active, Triclopyr, is that second chance ingredient that takes out stubborn poison ivy. Monterey Brush & Vine has an 8.8% Triclopyr ingredient that penetrates the ivy bark and kills the plant. It may also double as a stump killer, too!
Seeing Spots
This year has been an unusually wet one in most regions. Lawns and especially plants that started spring with thick and lush growth are just beginning to slow down due to intense heat. What is hiding down under, is another issue. Roses for example, are susceptible to the disease Blackspot, which is causing defoliation on many roses right about now. This disease starts at the bottom and works its way up the plant. Even for gardeners who applied preventative disease controls, once you get this disease, it spreads quickly by wind, rain, or even splashing of spray water. You need to remove the spotted leaves from the bottom of the rose bush, clean the diseased leaves that have fallen and begin treatment with a curative chemical, Chlorothalonil, commonly known as Daconil. Bonide Fung-onil has this unique ingredient that works right away to control blackspot. Another suggestion is Monterey Consan 20 which can be used on many types of plants, roses, and even lawns to treat and control disease. The added benefit of you selling these unique chemical products in your store is that the box stores don’t stock or sell these products. Very little research is offered on how chemicals are sold at retail, but homeowners usually want you to suggest and select for them. Make sure you to mention to your sales staff and customers that they should read the label and follow the directions as stated by the manufacturer, especially if you are putting the product into their hands. Consumer safety and success starts with our salesmanship.